データサイエンス関連の最新研究動向や情報を共有することと海外研究者との交流を図ることを目的として、MDA International Seminar Seriesを開催しております。
Opening Remarks

Choi, Bongmun
Vice president, Korea Planning Association
Kawashima, Hiroichi
MDA education promotion office,
University of Tsukuba
Presenter 1
Eom, Sunyong (Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Exploring Human Mobility for Urban Planning
: Insights from Macro, Meso, and Micro Perspectives

Presenter 2
Jinnai, Nobuhiro (CEO, GEOTRA Co., ltd, Japan)
Location Data for Better City
-Use Cases for Utilization of Location-based Big Data in Urban Development-

Presenter 3
Yeo, Jiho (Assistant Professor, Hannam University)
Digital Twin for Large-scale Urban Mobility Operating System

Presenter 4
Kim, Young-Long (Assistant Professor, Gachon University)
Unveiling the Rhythm of Urban Vitality
: Unsupervised Learning Approaches to Tackle the Modifiable Temporal Unit Problem
